That's right, this is the excitement of our world.. For starters, Brynnle had an AMAZING night last night! The first one since December. She went down the first time at around 8:30ish and was back up around 10 and then 10:15 then 10:20 and 10:30 and 10:35 and you get the picture. So, I was thinking we were in for a really long really rough night. Well around 11:10 she was back awake and due to eat again so I nursed her and she fell back to sleep while nursing, I put her in her crib and she didn't move, I rushed back to bed hoping to get an hour or two in before the monster rose again. She cried about 2:30 but didn't get up or move really. I popped a binki in and she was back out before I could walk across the room. I woke up again around 4:15 in a panic wondering if she was still breathing, sure enough SNORING even! Tim's alarm woke me up shortly after 5 and I could still hear the sweet sounds of snoring so back to sleep I went. Finally around 5:50 she started crying so I figured that would be the end of our sweet night, I got her out of her crib, nursed her and much to my surprise, back out she went! She then crashed until around 9 when she woke up happy as a clam talking and laughing to herself in her crib. She probably played in there a good 10-15 min before she heard me laughing and figured out I was watching her, then she wanted out. I am praying this is a routine we can get on, I feel like a whole new very refreshed person and I love it!
Our second event for the day today, Brynnle had her first eye appointment. I had my routine yearly eye exam last week and after discussing my cataract history and a few other random health history events, my doctor noticed I was nursing and asked me about Brynnle and if I've had her eyes checked yet. I told her our Pediatrician checks them at every well child exam but I don't have her on our eye insurance so I haven't taken her to an official eye appointment. She continued to tell me with my eye history she would strongly recommend I have Brynnle's eyes checked out very young because, although my cataract was not genetic just about everyone in my family needs to have their vision corrected and that can be genetic. She also mentioned because she has young kids, she offers free eye exams to anyone under the age of 1. So, I figured why not?! Today was our appointment, Brynnle started out doing great - much better than I ever expected having a stranger shine bright lights in her eyes and all. Then, she decided to dilate her eyes, that required 2 drops in each eye, after the first one she was smart enough to slam those eyelids shut and hold them as tightly closed as she possibly could. Then once they were dilated everything was so bright and she couldn't focus on anything. She kept rubbing her eyes and blinking then looking at me like something was wrong, then rubbing them again and blinking. I felt soo bad for her! I HATE having my eyes dilated!! Anyway, long story short, her eyes are perfect except she has astigmatism, but since she is so young that could all change. So I now have a cranky baby who cant seem to see but hey, her eyes are great! :)
Love, Life and the Leonards
This is the story of our lives..
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Race for the Cure!
This year we decided in honor of my mom and a friend we would do the Susan G. Komen - Race for the Cure. We rounded up some friends and family and trekked out and did it. I don't have any pictures on the computer to put on here of that day, just the hard copy pictures from a friend.
Anyway, they wanted you to wear as much pink as you could and they would award a prize for the best decorated stroller to finish. The night before I was trying to find pink things to get Brynnle festive in and found a hat that Auntie Carrie made for her as a newborn.
As you can see it no longer fit her big ole noggin! :) She did find it hilarious to have me put it on and her pull it off though! Silly girl!
This was her excited face after she ripped it off. Its a bit fuzzy because she got so excited she tipped over and landed in my lap as I was taking the picture.
Anyway, they wanted you to wear as much pink as you could and they would award a prize for the best decorated stroller to finish. The night before I was trying to find pink things to get Brynnle festive in and found a hat that Auntie Carrie made for her as a newborn.
As you can see it no longer fit her big ole noggin! :) She did find it hilarious to have me put it on and her pull it off though! Silly girl!
This was her excited face after she ripped it off. Its a bit fuzzy because she got so excited she tipped over and landed in my lap as I was taking the picture.
Yes, I am behind! I am sorry, life seems to be going at lightning fast speeds lately and I can't seem to keep up! Brynnle is growing like a weed STILL and seems to be changing every single day. Since I am behind I will do a rewind (yet again) and catch up on the past months happenings.
My family came to Spokane for Easter weekend and it was great! It was a gorgeous weekend and we had a lot of fun. The Easter Bunny brought me a new dining room table and Brynnle was checking it out. We knew we liked the top of it, but she wanted to examine the under side. :)
My family came to Spokane for Easter weekend and it was great! It was a gorgeous weekend and we had a lot of fun. The Easter Bunny brought me a new dining room table and Brynnle was checking it out. We knew we liked the top of it, but she wanted to examine the under side. :)
She thinks she is soo funny because she can get under the table where nobody else can get her!
We struggled to find an Easter dress this year, I want to go big and fluffy and boutique and her daddy wants to be budget friendly and stick with something simple. So we kinda compromised this year and we went with yellow (Auntie Alicia's favorite color). I have to say she looked pretty darn cute in a simple dress! :)
It had a cute white jacket that went with it and a yellow headband but she ditched those as fast as she could convince us to get them off her! All in all I think she had a pretty good Easter, I know I did!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Rewind with lots of pictures!
I have been a total slacker at getting pictures put up here lately so I will try to get them all up while lil Miss Brynnle is content playing with Daddy in the living room! :)
Brynnle has got the crawling thing down these days and will follow you absolutely anywhere in the house. This includes the kitchen and bathroom. If I walk out of the room for more than 30 seconds she is either in the bathroom getting into the garbage or in the dining room playing in the dog's water or food bowls.
Busted on her way to the bathroom garbage!
The very same day (20 min later) headed to the dog's food bowls!
This is the face I get when I tell her "no no Brynnle" - she finds it absolutely hilarious!
So after many many messes and Mom being grossed out more than once we decided it was time to invest in an exersaucer and walker. Huge thanks to our friends Chris and Rich and good ole Craigslist I got both for under $45 AND she LOVES them!
The blue button she has her hand on has a duck on it and it happens to be her favorite button to push. I cant even tell you how many times a day I have heard "duck, quack quack, pato (duck in Spanish)"
It will keep her content for hours as long as someone is in the room with her. I have yet to find a way to keep her totally happy when I "disappear" to take a shower but for now she is no longer in the garbage or Jethro's food bowls so I am a much happier mom!
The other day I was doing laundry and cleaning up and she was playing in the living room and apparently decided she wanted to play in her exersaucer but couldn't quite remember how to get in.
She had her 2 favorite toys in there with her (a baby spoon and a lid from a baby food container) and was happy as could be until she got her head stuck in the opening where the chair is and couldn't figure out how to get to her toys!
She isn't quite as happy in her walker, which I am afraid is my fault. The first time I had her in there we were trying to adjust the height for her short little legs so she could touch the ground. I pushed the button to lower it and it pinched my thumb and the whole thing collapsed and she ended up on the floor. She has been weary of it since. It also doesn't have nearly as many entertaining things on it as her exersaucer does and her legs aren't long enough to touch the floor so she can't move in it yet. Maybe in a few months?
So confused as to why I was making her sit in that boring thing!
Also new and due to her growing up she is now taking her baths in the kitchen sink regularly. I could have her in the bath tub but it kills my back (yes I'm getting old) to be hunched over making sure this active little thing doesn't drown herself. ESPECIALLY since our new favorite thing is to pull herself up to a standing position and let go, even in the tub - pictures of that to come in a minute!
Pardon the dishes in the sink! I am usually loading the dishwasher as she is bathing! :)
You cant really tell in this picture but she LOVES to splash water all over the floor and on the counters, she splashed really big and got herself in the face - does NOT love that!
This is her "Mom I'm ready to get out now" face.
As promised here are the pictures of her pulling herself up. The chair is actually part of her swing, it comes out and turns into a rocking chair or as we use it, a chair to feed her in since shes still not quite big enough for her high chair just yet. It also makes for the perfect thing to pull herself up on since it has a really wide base and is pretty stable.
She is soo proud of herself when she does it! She has gotten pretty good at it and has moved on to really anything she can get her hands on. Couches, coffee table, anything strong enough to hold her weight and sadly we have tried a few things not strong enough and ended with a few bloody noses! :(
Last but not least, the past week I have had the blessing of being able to go walking with my sister in law Jen. She is now a stay at home mom too so we have gotten out a few times to go to the park and walk or the mall when the weather doesn't cooperate. The girls were getting fussy (o.k. mainly Brynnle) after awhile of our laps around the mall so we stopped at the children's play area and let the girls out of the strollers for awhile.
This was a smile from Clair but my camera wasn't fast enough to catch it.
Both girls had an obsession with trying to eat Jen's clothes. Clair was going for her jeans and Brynnle was trying to suck on her shoes. Gross! :)
Its been really nice to get out and get a little exercise and have some "adult talk" with another stay at home mom who understands! I am hoping we will be able to continue to get together regularly as the girls grow so they will be good friends! :)
Brynnle has got the crawling thing down these days and will follow you absolutely anywhere in the house. This includes the kitchen and bathroom. If I walk out of the room for more than 30 seconds she is either in the bathroom getting into the garbage or in the dining room playing in the dog's water or food bowls.
Busted on her way to the bathroom garbage!
The very same day (20 min later) headed to the dog's food bowls!
This is the face I get when I tell her "no no Brynnle" - she finds it absolutely hilarious!
So after many many messes and Mom being grossed out more than once we decided it was time to invest in an exersaucer and walker. Huge thanks to our friends Chris and Rich and good ole Craigslist I got both for under $45 AND she LOVES them!
The blue button she has her hand on has a duck on it and it happens to be her favorite button to push. I cant even tell you how many times a day I have heard "duck, quack quack, pato (duck in Spanish)"
It will keep her content for hours as long as someone is in the room with her. I have yet to find a way to keep her totally happy when I "disappear" to take a shower but for now she is no longer in the garbage or Jethro's food bowls so I am a much happier mom!
The other day I was doing laundry and cleaning up and she was playing in the living room and apparently decided she wanted to play in her exersaucer but couldn't quite remember how to get in.
She had her 2 favorite toys in there with her (a baby spoon and a lid from a baby food container) and was happy as could be until she got her head stuck in the opening where the chair is and couldn't figure out how to get to her toys!
She isn't quite as happy in her walker, which I am afraid is my fault. The first time I had her in there we were trying to adjust the height for her short little legs so she could touch the ground. I pushed the button to lower it and it pinched my thumb and the whole thing collapsed and she ended up on the floor. She has been weary of it since. It also doesn't have nearly as many entertaining things on it as her exersaucer does and her legs aren't long enough to touch the floor so she can't move in it yet. Maybe in a few months?
So confused as to why I was making her sit in that boring thing!
Also new and due to her growing up she is now taking her baths in the kitchen sink regularly. I could have her in the bath tub but it kills my back (yes I'm getting old) to be hunched over making sure this active little thing doesn't drown herself. ESPECIALLY since our new favorite thing is to pull herself up to a standing position and let go, even in the tub - pictures of that to come in a minute!
Pardon the dishes in the sink! I am usually loading the dishwasher as she is bathing! :)
You cant really tell in this picture but she LOVES to splash water all over the floor and on the counters, she splashed really big and got herself in the face - does NOT love that!
This is her "Mom I'm ready to get out now" face.
As promised here are the pictures of her pulling herself up. The chair is actually part of her swing, it comes out and turns into a rocking chair or as we use it, a chair to feed her in since shes still not quite big enough for her high chair just yet. It also makes for the perfect thing to pull herself up on since it has a really wide base and is pretty stable.
She is soo proud of herself when she does it! She has gotten pretty good at it and has moved on to really anything she can get her hands on. Couches, coffee table, anything strong enough to hold her weight and sadly we have tried a few things not strong enough and ended with a few bloody noses! :(
Last but not least, the past week I have had the blessing of being able to go walking with my sister in law Jen. She is now a stay at home mom too so we have gotten out a few times to go to the park and walk or the mall when the weather doesn't cooperate. The girls were getting fussy (o.k. mainly Brynnle) after awhile of our laps around the mall so we stopped at the children's play area and let the girls out of the strollers for awhile.
This was a smile from Clair but my camera wasn't fast enough to catch it.
Both girls had an obsession with trying to eat Jen's clothes. Clair was going for her jeans and Brynnle was trying to suck on her shoes. Gross! :)
Its been really nice to get out and get a little exercise and have some "adult talk" with another stay at home mom who understands! I am hoping we will be able to continue to get together regularly as the girls grow so they will be good friends! :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Be thou humble..
This post really has very little to do with Brynnle but I felt the need to get it off my chest today.
I heard news of a friend who after an accident involving her small child this weekend is facing challenges no mother ever wants to even think about. As I was being told about the events I felt this overwhelming sense of heartbreak for my friend and I felt very humbled. I have been complaining of sleepless nights and the emotional roller coaster being a first time mom is for the past few months and the reality of 'it could be so much worse' hit me. I thought to myself how silly I have been for complaining over lost sleep and teething when a friend is dealing with something so much more and not only her but thousands and thousands of other mothers out there deal with tragedy so much more than I could ever imagine.
So with that being said, today I want to express gratitude to my Heavenly Father for the small challenges he has given me. He has given me an overwhelmingly sweet spirit to raise and call my daughter, she is beautiful and perfect in every way. As I watch her grow and learn I cannot possibly deny his hand in all things. He has given me trials that I might appreciate the wonderful things I have in my life. He has given me an amazing husband, wonderful family and friends to be there and support me when I fall short. He gave his son so that when I fall short and make mistakes I can be forgiven and my sins be washed clean.
My heart is full today as I look around and see the good all around me. As I think about my friends trials, my gratitude is renewed that I have a wonderful husband who is worthy and holds the Priesthood in my home. I am deeply comforted to know that he is willing and able to give us blessings at times when they are needed.
I have spent so much time lately focused on the housework and in the big picture the unimportant things. Today, I am not going to worry about the housework, laundry and my hair or makeup. Today, I am going to enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and appreciate the blessings the Lord has given me!
I heard news of a friend who after an accident involving her small child this weekend is facing challenges no mother ever wants to even think about. As I was being told about the events I felt this overwhelming sense of heartbreak for my friend and I felt very humbled. I have been complaining of sleepless nights and the emotional roller coaster being a first time mom is for the past few months and the reality of 'it could be so much worse' hit me. I thought to myself how silly I have been for complaining over lost sleep and teething when a friend is dealing with something so much more and not only her but thousands and thousands of other mothers out there deal with tragedy so much more than I could ever imagine.
So with that being said, today I want to express gratitude to my Heavenly Father for the small challenges he has given me. He has given me an overwhelmingly sweet spirit to raise and call my daughter, she is beautiful and perfect in every way. As I watch her grow and learn I cannot possibly deny his hand in all things. He has given me trials that I might appreciate the wonderful things I have in my life. He has given me an amazing husband, wonderful family and friends to be there and support me when I fall short. He gave his son so that when I fall short and make mistakes I can be forgiven and my sins be washed clean.
My heart is full today as I look around and see the good all around me. As I think about my friends trials, my gratitude is renewed that I have a wonderful husband who is worthy and holds the Priesthood in my home. I am deeply comforted to know that he is willing and able to give us blessings at times when they are needed.
I have spent so much time lately focused on the housework and in the big picture the unimportant things. Today, I am not going to worry about the housework, laundry and my hair or makeup. Today, I am going to enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and appreciate the blessings the Lord has given me!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Will I ever know the feeling of sleep again?
Since this tends to be all about Brynnle I am going to continue updating on her accomplishments and places she may be slightly behind..
Last night she ate an entire container of apples (applesauce) and 1/2 a container of carrots and STILL wanted to nurse shortly after. I guess you don't get those thighs without a little work! :) Thanks goodness she isn't doing anything else "new" this week. I would be ok with just a little plateau in her development now.
I take that back, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for her to figure out how to SLEEP! We have been doing as the pediatrician recommended and putting her down every 3ish hours for a nap with fairly good results. She only sleeps for 30-45 min but in total that gives me 1 1/2 - 2 hours to get things done during the day which is better than the 45 min I was getting before. With this new routine, she has stopped going down at 10:30-11:00pm like she had been doing so well weeks before - We are back to the 12:30-1:00am routine and its a fight the entire time. I have tried EVERYTHING I can possibly get my hands on to help her. We've done the night routine with a lavender bath and lotion shortly before bed, Baby Zzz's (an herbal sleep aid for babies with ginger root, camomilla, and peppermint extract), bottles with milk and rice cereal, formula, night time formula, just nursing and the combination of all 4. Ive tried playing music when she starts to go down, letting her scream it out and even let her sleep in bed with us. Keep in mind I have given all of these "remedies" at LEAST one full week to see if there was improvement. All with the same result - 1 1/2-2 hours of sleep at a time followed by 20 min of screaming, nursing then back to sleep. How is it that a child who seems to want to do everything else earlier than most babies cant seem to figure out how to sleep!? Wouldn't you think she would need the sleep to have the energy to crawl, roll over, sit up and get two teeth? Maybe I am raising a future doctor or lawyer who can do it all on 2-3 hours of sleep at night but this mama is no superwoman and needs sleep to get it all done.. I know someday I will look back and laugh, but I thought I would be doing that by now too! I am in no hurry for my baby to grow up and would trade her crawling, sitting up on her own and both her teeth (lets be honest, I would trade two of MY teeth) to have her sleeping just 5-6 hours at one time per night let alone the 10-12 the pediatrician said she should be doing!
Most days I feel as if I am going insane and then I realize - I'm not going insane, Ive become a mother!
Last night she ate an entire container of apples (applesauce) and 1/2 a container of carrots and STILL wanted to nurse shortly after. I guess you don't get those thighs without a little work! :) Thanks goodness she isn't doing anything else "new" this week. I would be ok with just a little plateau in her development now.
I take that back, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for her to figure out how to SLEEP! We have been doing as the pediatrician recommended and putting her down every 3ish hours for a nap with fairly good results. She only sleeps for 30-45 min but in total that gives me 1 1/2 - 2 hours to get things done during the day which is better than the 45 min I was getting before. With this new routine, she has stopped going down at 10:30-11:00pm like she had been doing so well weeks before - We are back to the 12:30-1:00am routine and its a fight the entire time. I have tried EVERYTHING I can possibly get my hands on to help her. We've done the night routine with a lavender bath and lotion shortly before bed, Baby Zzz's (an herbal sleep aid for babies with ginger root, camomilla, and peppermint extract), bottles with milk and rice cereal, formula, night time formula, just nursing and the combination of all 4. Ive tried playing music when she starts to go down, letting her scream it out and even let her sleep in bed with us. Keep in mind I have given all of these "remedies" at LEAST one full week to see if there was improvement. All with the same result - 1 1/2-2 hours of sleep at a time followed by 20 min of screaming, nursing then back to sleep. How is it that a child who seems to want to do everything else earlier than most babies cant seem to figure out how to sleep!? Wouldn't you think she would need the sleep to have the energy to crawl, roll over, sit up and get two teeth? Maybe I am raising a future doctor or lawyer who can do it all on 2-3 hours of sleep at night but this mama is no superwoman and needs sleep to get it all done.. I know someday I will look back and laugh, but I thought I would be doing that by now too! I am in no hurry for my baby to grow up and would trade her crawling, sitting up on her own and both her teeth (lets be honest, I would trade two of MY teeth) to have her sleeping just 5-6 hours at one time per night let alone the 10-12 the pediatrician said she should be doing!
Most days I feel as if I am going insane and then I realize - I'm not going insane, Ive become a mother!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Mother of the Year Award
I have said many times "I am sure I will win the Mother of the Year Award because..." So here is proof! :)
I had been on the phone most of the morning working on bills and prescriptions and whatever so I hadn't had the chance to eat breakfast or take a shower yet and Brynnle was starting to get fussy since it was time for her first morning nap. So deciding I could hit two birds with one stone I put her in her swing (on high which usually puts her to sleep) and jumped in the shower real quick. I rushed through my shower and when I got out I noticed no sound coming from the bedroom, good sign right?! I thought "Yay she went down without even a fight!" I snuck into my room to check and found her sleeping like this. I guess there was a fight I just showered through it! She slept in that exact position for well over an hour though so I guess it was pretty comfortable! :)
Later that day, I was trying to get the house picked up and the dishwasher loaded and now that she is moving if I don't want her into EVERYTHING I have to put her in one of her chairs and surround her with toys. I wanted to vacuum the carpet so I decided to put her up on the coffee table so I could. I left the room and got distracted with something else and when I went back in there (10-15 min later) I found her perfectly content watching TV. My 5 month old watches TV!!!
My 3rd and final moment was just today as I was blogging! :) I let her roll around our bedroom floor because (when its clean) its a lot of open floor space and its got soft carpet so when she crashes its not as brutal. So I was uploading pictures and checking my email when I heard her squeal (not at all uncommon) behind me. I turned around to see what she was doing and found her stuck under her crib! She wasn't really stuck, usually she would throw one leg over herself to roll over to get out and she couldn't because the leg she normally uses was under the crib! Thank goodness she couldn't get her big ole head all the way under..
She caught me taking a picture and actually smiled at me but my camera isn't fast enough and the smile had just faded when I got this picture. Little stinker is going to be serious trouble when she really gets the crawling thing figured out, I don't even want to start thinking about walking!
I had been on the phone most of the morning working on bills and prescriptions and whatever so I hadn't had the chance to eat breakfast or take a shower yet and Brynnle was starting to get fussy since it was time for her first morning nap. So deciding I could hit two birds with one stone I put her in her swing (on high which usually puts her to sleep) and jumped in the shower real quick. I rushed through my shower and when I got out I noticed no sound coming from the bedroom, good sign right?! I thought "Yay she went down without even a fight!" I snuck into my room to check and found her sleeping like this. I guess there was a fight I just showered through it! She slept in that exact position for well over an hour though so I guess it was pretty comfortable! :)
Later that day, I was trying to get the house picked up and the dishwasher loaded and now that she is moving if I don't want her into EVERYTHING I have to put her in one of her chairs and surround her with toys. I wanted to vacuum the carpet so I decided to put her up on the coffee table so I could. I left the room and got distracted with something else and when I went back in there (10-15 min later) I found her perfectly content watching TV. My 5 month old watches TV!!!
My 3rd and final moment was just today as I was blogging! :) I let her roll around our bedroom floor because (when its clean) its a lot of open floor space and its got soft carpet so when she crashes its not as brutal. So I was uploading pictures and checking my email when I heard her squeal (not at all uncommon) behind me. I turned around to see what she was doing and found her stuck under her crib! She wasn't really stuck, usually she would throw one leg over herself to roll over to get out and she couldn't because the leg she normally uses was under the crib! Thank goodness she couldn't get her big ole head all the way under..
She caught me taking a picture and actually smiled at me but my camera isn't fast enough and the smile had just faded when I got this picture. Little stinker is going to be serious trouble when she really gets the crawling thing figured out, I don't even want to start thinking about walking!
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