Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mother of the Year Award

I have said many times "I am sure I will win the Mother of the Year Award because..." So here is proof! :)

I had been on the phone most of the morning working on bills and prescriptions and whatever so I hadn't had the chance to eat breakfast or take a shower yet and Brynnle was starting to get fussy since it was time for her first morning nap. So deciding I could hit two birds with one stone I put her in her swing (on high which usually puts her to sleep) and jumped in the shower real quick. I rushed through my shower and when I got out I noticed no sound coming from the bedroom, good sign right?! I thought "Yay she went down without even a fight!" I snuck into my room to check and found her sleeping like this. I guess there was a fight I just showered through it! She slept in that exact position for well over an hour though so I guess it was pretty comfortable! :)

Later that day, I was trying to get the house picked up and the dishwasher loaded and now that she is moving if I don't want her into EVERYTHING I have to put her in one of her chairs and surround her with toys. I wanted to vacuum the carpet so I decided to put her up on the coffee table so I could. I left the room and got distracted with something else and when I went back in there (10-15 min later) I found her perfectly content watching TV. My 5 month old watches TV!!!

My 3rd and final moment was just today as I was blogging! :) I let her roll around our bedroom floor because (when its clean) its a lot of open floor space and its got soft carpet so when she crashes its not as brutal. So I was uploading pictures and checking my email when I heard her squeal (not at all uncommon) behind me. I turned around to see what she was doing and found her stuck under her crib! She wasn't really stuck, usually she would throw one leg over herself to roll over to get out and she couldn't because the leg she normally uses was under the crib! Thank goodness she couldn't get her big ole head all the way under..

She caught me taking a picture and actually smiled at me but my camera isn't fast enough and the smile had just faded when I got this picture. Little stinker is going to be serious trouble when she really gets the crawling thing figured out, I don't even want to start thinking about walking!

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