Monday, March 21, 2011

Be thou humble..

This post really has very little to do with Brynnle but I felt the need to get it off my chest today.

I heard news of a friend who after an accident involving her small child this weekend is facing challenges no mother ever wants to even think about. As I was being told about the events I felt this overwhelming sense of heartbreak for my friend and I felt very humbled. I have been complaining of sleepless nights and  the emotional roller coaster being a first time mom is for the past few months and the reality of  'it could be so much worse' hit me. I thought to myself how silly I have been for complaining over lost sleep and teething when a friend is dealing with something so much more and not only her but thousands and thousands of other mothers out there deal with tragedy so much more than I could ever imagine.

So with that being said, today I want to express gratitude to my Heavenly Father for the small challenges he has given me. He has given me an overwhelmingly sweet spirit to raise and call my daughter, she is beautiful and perfect in every way. As I watch her grow and learn I cannot possibly deny his hand in all things. He has given me trials that I might appreciate the wonderful things I have in my life.  He has given me an amazing husband, wonderful family and friends to be there and support me when I fall short.  He gave his son so that when I fall short and make mistakes I can be forgiven and my sins be washed clean.

My heart is full today as I look around and see the good all around me. As I think about my friends trials, my gratitude is renewed that I have a wonderful husband who is worthy and holds the Priesthood in my home. I am deeply comforted to know that he is willing and able to give us blessings at times when they are needed.

I have spent so much time lately focused on the housework and in the big picture the unimportant things. Today, I am not going to worry about the housework, laundry and my hair or makeup. Today, I am going to enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and appreciate the blessings the Lord has given me!


  1. Beautifully said! Love you. nadine

  2. We take so much for granted, don't we!! Thanks for the reminders!!
