Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A good nights sleep and a visit to the eye doctor..

That's right, this is the excitement of our world.. For starters, Brynnle had an AMAZING night last night! The first one since December. She went down the first time at around 8:30ish and was back up around 10 and then 10:15 then 10:20 and 10:30 and 10:35 and you get the picture. So, I was thinking we were in for a really long really rough night. Well around 11:10 she was back awake and due to eat again so I nursed her and she fell back to sleep while nursing, I put her in her crib and she didn't move, I rushed back to bed hoping to get an hour or two in before the monster rose again. She cried about 2:30 but didn't get up or move really. I popped a binki in and she was back out before I could walk across the room. I woke up again around 4:15 in a panic wondering if she was still breathing, sure enough SNORING even! Tim's alarm woke me up shortly after 5 and I could still hear the sweet sounds of snoring so back to sleep I went. Finally around 5:50 she started crying so I figured that would be the end of our sweet night, I got her out of her crib, nursed her and much to my surprise, back out she went! She then crashed until around 9 when she woke up happy as a clam talking and laughing to herself in her crib. She probably played in there a good 10-15 min before she heard me laughing and figured out I was watching her, then she wanted out. I am praying this is a routine we can get on, I feel like a whole new very refreshed person and I love it!

Our second event for the day today, Brynnle had her first eye appointment. I had my routine yearly eye exam last week and after discussing my cataract history and a few other random health history events, my doctor noticed I was nursing and asked me about Brynnle and if I've had her eyes checked yet. I told her our Pediatrician checks them at every well child exam but I don't have her on our eye insurance so I haven't taken her to an official eye appointment. She continued to tell me with my eye history she would strongly recommend I have Brynnle's eyes checked out very young because, although my cataract was not genetic just about everyone in my family needs to have their vision corrected and that can be genetic. She also mentioned because she has young kids, she offers free eye exams to anyone under the age of 1. So, I figured why not?! Today was our appointment, Brynnle started out doing great - much better than I ever expected having a stranger shine bright lights in her eyes and all. Then, she decided to dilate her eyes, that required 2 drops in each eye, after the first one she was smart enough to slam those eyelids shut and hold them as tightly closed as she possibly could. Then once they were dilated everything was so bright and she couldn't focus on anything. She kept rubbing her eyes and blinking then looking at me like something was wrong, then rubbing them again and blinking. I felt soo bad for her! I HATE having my eyes dilated!! Anyway, long story short, her eyes are perfect except she has astigmatism, but since she is so young that could all change. So I now have a cranky baby who cant seem to see but hey, her eyes are great! :)    

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