Since this tends to be all about Brynnle I am going to continue updating on her accomplishments and places she may be slightly behind..
Last night she ate an entire container of apples (applesauce) and 1/2 a container of carrots and STILL wanted to nurse shortly after. I guess you don't get those thighs without a little work! :) Thanks goodness she isn't doing anything else "new" this week. I would be ok with just a little plateau in her development now.
I take that back, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for her to figure out how to SLEEP! We have been doing as the pediatrician recommended and putting her down every 3ish hours for a nap with fairly good results. She only sleeps for 30-45 min but in total that gives me 1 1/2 - 2 hours to get things done during the day which is better than the 45 min I was getting before. With this new routine, she has stopped going down at 10:30-11:00pm like she had been doing so well weeks before - We are back to the 12:30-1:00am routine and its a fight the entire time. I have tried EVERYTHING I can possibly get my hands on to help her. We've done the night routine with a lavender bath and lotion shortly before bed, Baby Zzz's (an herbal sleep aid for babies with ginger root, camomilla, and peppermint extract), bottles with milk and rice cereal, formula, night time formula, just nursing and the combination of all 4. Ive tried playing music when she starts to go down, letting her scream it out and even let her sleep in bed with us. Keep in mind I have given all of these "remedies" at LEAST one full week to see if there was improvement. All with the same result - 1 1/2-2 hours of sleep at a time followed by 20 min of screaming, nursing then back to sleep. How is it that a child who seems to want to do everything else earlier than most babies cant seem to figure out how to sleep!? Wouldn't you think she would need the sleep to have the energy to crawl, roll over, sit up and get two teeth? Maybe I am raising a future doctor or lawyer who can do it all on 2-3 hours of sleep at night but this mama is no superwoman and needs sleep to get it all done.. I know someday I will look back and laugh, but I thought I would be doing that by now too! I am in no hurry for my baby to grow up and would trade her crawling, sitting up on her own and both her teeth (lets be honest, I would trade two of MY teeth) to have her sleeping just 5-6 hours at one time per night let alone the 10-12 the pediatrician said she should be doing!
Most days I feel as if I am going insane and then I realize - I'm not going insane, Ive become a mother!
If it makes you feel any better, my oldest was just like this! He would take 15-30 min naps all day long and only sleep for 2-3 hours at a time at night. I seriously don't think he has taken a 2 hour nap his entire life! Interesting thing now that he is a teenager, he is having problems with insomnia and has to take melatonin to sleep at night. I wonder if it is related to his baby days. . . strange, huh!?